Rahul Varshneya

Rahul Varshneya is the co-founder of Arkenea, a custom healthcare software development and consulting firm for fast-growing healthcare organizations.

hl7 messages

A Comprehensive Guide to HL7 Messages

The healthcare industry is incredibly complex and amasses an ever-increasing amount of fragile patient and specialist data. According to insightful studies, each patient has 80 megabytes of EMR and imaging data each year. In most cases, this data belongs to different medical institutions that process and store it in isolated pools that are poorly structured. Leading medical …

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Interoperability in Healthcare

Interoperability In Healthcare: What You Must Know

Key Takeaways According to the ONC, the definition of healthcare interoperability is a system’s ability to exchange health information and utilize it from other systems. An interoperable system performs these tasks without any user intervention. The HIMSS developed a multi-level framework to assist medical personnel in evaluating their data exchange and document management capacities. It …

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how does telemedicine reduce costs

How Is Telemedicine Reducing Healthcare Costs

Key Takeaways The problem of inequality, racism, and exclusion at the foundation of poor health in America is an issue that technological advancements in telemedicine and interoperability can address. Remote consultation, 24/7 coverage, and availability of specialists over telemedicine applications has played a key role in reducing healthcare costs. Studies state that children are over-triaged …

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healthcare api

A Comprehensive Guide To APIs In Healthcare

Key Takeaways APIs in healthcare organizations have helped in providing better care for patients. It has maximized the utilization of electronic health records by using a third party. API platforms offer stringent security standards and features that enhance the digital ecosystem. They provide users access to confidential data from multiple devices without risking security. Healthcare API can …

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healthcare saas software

Developing Custom Healthcare SaaS Application: A Complete Guide

Key Takeaways Healthcare SaaS market is expected to increase due to the adoption of technology such as AI, API connections, vertical SaaS, DaaS, PaaS, edge computing, and more. Compliance checklist for developing healthcare SaaS applications reviewing contracts, conducting audits, and setting compliance standards: DICOM, GDPR, SNOMED CT, etc. Beta testing is an essential part of …

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All You Need To Know About Healthcare Mobile App Analytics

As a healthcare startup founder whose interest is in growing the business, you have to try and figure out what’s working and what’s not working and build a feedback loop. And without a solid analytics foundation, it’s nearly impossible to get that feedback loop. Google Analytics isn’t your only solution, if you’re looking for an …

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Complete Guide On How To Start A Healthcare Mobile App Startup

Key Takeaways: Getting started with the idea generation process is the first hurdle you would come across while launching a healthcare mobile app startup. Approximately, the cost of developing a healthcare application ranges between $40,000 to $100,000. But, the cost hugely depends on aspects such as development team, timeline, platform, app complexity, and resources. Pay …

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6 Things to Look for When Hiring Healthcare AI Consulting Company

Key Takeaways: The first thing to remember about building healthcare AI applications is that there are many different platforms and development options under this umbrella term. The more good quality, curated training data is available, the more you can shorten the timeline for training healthcare AI algorithms. CloudAutoML, IBM’s Watson, Viz.ai, Enlitic, Regard, and Twill …

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5 Awesome App Store Optimization Tools To Increase mHealth Apps Downloads

According to Statista, by the end of 2021, the number of mHealth apps on Google Play reached over 65,300 thousand and is still growing. Whereas, in the Apple App Store the number of mHealth apps reached around 54,000. The number of mHealth apps will continue to rise in the upcoming years due to growth in …

5 Awesome App Store Optimization Tools To Increase mHealth Apps Downloads Read More »

You Will Need These 30 Tools To Build A Healthcare Mobile App Startup

Building any product company, let alone a healthcare mobile app startup has become a bit simpler, thanks to the multitude of available SaaS products. These not only make one’s life easier but also enhance productivity, save costs, and overall, help build a better app. So that you, as the entrepreneur, can stay focused on the essentials. …

You Will Need These 30 Tools To Build A Healthcare Mobile App Startup Read More »

Healthcare Mobile UX: How To Create a User Experience That is so Dang Amazing

Bad healthcare mobile UX or user experience can lead to many problems. If you’re a lefty, you should know what I’m talking about. And if you’re a righty, simply ask your lefty friends how frustrating it is to live in a world that is primarily designed for right-handed people. Get the drift? User experience design …

Healthcare Mobile UX: How To Create a User Experience That is so Dang Amazing Read More »

telemedicine cpt codes

Telemedicine CPT Codes and Billing: A Detailed Guide

Telemedicine and telehealth are two terms that people often use interchangeably. Telehealth is more concerned with the exchange of medical data from one source to the other through some form of electronic communication interface. On the other hand, telemedicine is more related to providing the practice of medicine remotely with the help of technology. These …

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17 (Most Crucial) Telemedicine Benefits

The current lingering COVID-19 pandemic has left the world grappling with the excessive burden on healthcare facilities around the globe. The benefits of telemedicine are now being felt more than ever. Leading healthcare organizations are developing their own telemedicine platforms to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic. Telemedicine apps are allowing healthcare practitioners provide medical advice …

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Healthcare App Ideas For A Successful Startup

The healthcare sector is one of the world’s largest and fastest growing industries. Healthcare companies are fast adopting changes in the technology landscape to cater to their customers, internally and externally. So, here are some unique healthcare app ideas to adapt for the healthcare industry that will not only help promote the brand among patients …

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25 Technology Grants for Healthcare Startups

According to Mercom Capital Group, the majority of consumer-centric healthcare funding went into the mobile health category ($401 million in 45 deals), and within mobile health, $129 million went to 23 companies developing apps, and $226 million went to 17 companies developing wearables. No wonder then, there are a number of healthcare startups that have …

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hitrust vs hipaa

Making The Right Decisions For Your Organization: HITRUST vs HIPAA

Most people believe that credit cards are the crown jewel for cybercriminals. However, the truth is that medical records are packed with personal information that offers everything necessary to steal someone’s identity. For this reason, the healthcare industry is well-regulated. But within its tornado of stringent guidelines and complex regulations, two create a fair amount …

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big data in healthcare

How Big Data in Healthcare Encourages Value-Based Care

An insightful survey by the PwC reveals that 91% of surveyed patients underwent video virtual care and are likely to use it again. In addition, 66% of all individuals would use remote clinical trials. Thus, it’s evident that the healthcare world is becoming used to technologies and using them to their benefit. Given the complex …

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16 Evergreen App Ideas You Can Steal (2022 Updated)

Mobile app creation is a multi-billion dollar industry thanks to its promising growth and high revenue potential, which makes it a great idea for aspiring entrepreneurs to pursue. And app ideas are hard to find. But, because of fierce competition, only a small fraction of apps created actually see long-term success in this ever-growing industry. …

16 Evergreen App Ideas You Can Steal (2022 Updated) Read More »

7 Artificial Intelligence (AI) App Entrepreneurs Reveal Success Strategies

Developing an AI (Artificial Intelligence) app? Then you would want to hear from 7 founders that have built and scaled AI apps to success. While talking to these 7 founders and many others in the Artificial Intelligence industry, we heard many common themes. But one almost always stood out – don’t get too consumed by …

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5 Pitfalls To Avoid When Outsourcing Software Development

This article was originally published in Stackoverflow by our founder Rahul Varshneya. The IT outsourcing industry garnered $62 billion in revenue in 2018 and has become a truly global business; you’re just as likely to outsource work to Ukraine or Canada as you are to India or Brazil. It’s not just helpful for startups and non-tech firms. Major companies …

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A Framework To Scale Your Software And Lower Maintenance Costs

Software development is a multifaceted process, one that is riddled with a number of different challenges along the way. The longer you iterate on your software project, whether it’s a web or a mobile application, the more complex it becomes. The software maintenance costs also add up really quickly. Cost Optimization of your current software …

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What The Top App Development Companies Have In Common

Mobile is one of the fastest growing customer-reaching mediums, with 65% of digital media being consumed on mobile devices. In fact, it’s estimated that mobile will generate nearly $190 billion in revenue for U.S. businesses by 2020. The data doesn’t lie; it’s clear that this tech-centered environment, having a mobile app is imperative if you not only …

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Evaluate 3 Things When Hiring Progressive Web App Development Experts

You are ready to make the move from a web app to a progressive web app, but where do you start? You’ll comb through your existing development team and likely come up short on skills related to progressive web app development. So you need to hire someone to update your web app, or build you …

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This Is What Successful Taxi Dispatch Apps Have In Common

Uber’s success is synonymous with on-demand apps. Not too far behind were companies that are looking to develop a taxi dispatch app that draws from the fundamentals of the on-demand app ecosystem. At the last count, there were over 200 taxi dispatch apps across app stores. Do you think yours stands a chance getting discovered …

This Is What Successful Taxi Dispatch Apps Have In Common Read More »

These Are Some of the Best Mobile App Onboarding Experiences

In the latest episode of #BiteSize, Samuel Hulick shares some of the best mobile app onboarding user experiences he’s come across. Samuel Hulick Samuel Hulick runs UserOnboard.com and is the author of The Elements of User Onboarding. He’s combined UX savvy and a cat-like curiosity for measuring UX impact to become an expert in onboarding. His approach is …

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Neil Patel On Effective Blogging Strategies For Startups

#BiteSize is a video series where leading experts answer some of the most pressing questions entrepreneurs have while building or marketing their startups. In the latest episode of #BiteSize, Neil Patel offers his best strategies for a startup launching a blog as part of their  content marketing strategy. Neil Patel Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar and KISSmetrics. He helps …

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Brian Dean On Effective Strategies To Build Backlinks

#BiteSize is a video series where leading experts answer some of the most pressing questions entrepreneurs have while building or marketing their startups. In this latest episode of #BiteSize, Brian Dean gives out some of the most effective strategies for building backlinks in SEO. Brian Dean Brian Dean is one of the world’s most sought-after SEO experts and …

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