Healthcare Software Integration

6 Best Practices for Seamless Clinical Data Integration

Clinical data integration refers to the collection of information from various medical departments, third-party vendors, and payers, and to enable seamless data exchange. An integrated healthcare organization has the power to improve the quality of care and streamline workflows. According to a recent report by Deloitte, in the forthcoming years, the healthcare landscape will be …

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A Comprehensive Comparison Between HL7 vs. FHIR

One of the key challenges faced by large healthcare organizations is interoperability. Major U.S. cities have high rates of interoperability of health data, but variation exists. An organization that runs on multiple systems such as practice management, EHRs, or patient portals is bound to face data exchange problems. Small-sized clinics face fewer interoperability issues compared …

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14 HL7 Integration Challenges Faced by the CTOs

A healthcare organization typically uses a myriad of healthcare software, and every patient’s data goes into these software systems. There’s data coming from practice management, EHR/EMR, LIS, CDSS, radiology, remote monitoring, telemedicine, wearables, etc. By 2025, the compound annual growth rate of data for healthcare will reach 36 percent. Every one of these systems produces …

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Interoperability in Healthcare

Interoperability In Healthcare: What You Must Know

Key Takeaways According to the ONC, the definition of healthcare interoperability is a system’s ability to exchange health information and utilize it from other systems. An interoperable system performs these tasks without any user intervention. The HIMSS developed a multi-level framework to assist medical personnel in evaluating their data exchange and document management capacities. It …

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Practice Management Software Features

Top Practice Management Software Features for Maximizing Efficiency

In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, the demand for efficiency and resource savings has become paramount. To meet these challenges, healthcare providers are turning to Practice Management Software (PMS), a digital solution designed to enhance practice operations and streamline administrative tasks.  The healthcare industry is witnessing a surge in the adoption of Practice Management Software, …

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Clinical Workflow Optimization

Best Practices and Strategies For Clinical Workflow Optimization

Clinical workflow optimization is a critical aspect of healthcare that significantly impacts patient care and operational efficiency. In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the optimization of clinical workflows has emerged as a critical imperative.  The global clinical workflow solutions market has witnessed significant growth, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.4% from …

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Software Design Principles

A Comprehensive Guide to Software Design Principles

The healthcare software market is experiencing a significant boom, driven by the increasing demand for healthcare information technology (IT) solutions that can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance patient care. In 2021, the global market size was valued at $324.1 billion, and it is projected to reach $610.1 billion by 2027 However, amidst the rapid …

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A Guide to Develop HIPAA Compliant Healthcare API

Key Takeaways Healthcare developers must follow the three key HIPAA rules during API development: HIPAA security rule, privacy rule, and the breach notification rule. HL7 FHIR is a data exchange standard for APIs and it makes use of technologies such as XML, JSON, and RESTful APIs for smooth data exchange. Pay close attention to the …

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Harnessing the Power of Healthcare Data Integration

Harnessing the Power of Healthcare Data Integration

In the dynamic world of healthcare, data reigns supreme. Accurately collecting, analyzing, and leveraging data is integral to improving patient outcomes and operational efficiency. One of the critical components in achieving this is healthcare data integration. If you’re a decision-maker in a healthcare organization, you must understand the importance and methodology of integrating various data …

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healthcare api

A Comprehensive Guide To APIs In Healthcare

Key Takeaways APIs in healthcare organizations have helped in providing better care for patients. It has maximized the utilization of electronic health records by using a third party. API platforms offer stringent security standards and features that enhance the digital ecosystem. They provide users access to confidential data from multiple devices without risking security. Healthcare API can …

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6 Reasons to Choose Specialty Specific EHR

Key Takeaways Poor communication between doctors, breakdown of medical records during case transfers, and incomplete presentation of patient data are reasons for medical errors. Specialty specific electronic medical records can help healthcare providers to decrease error rates and increase the accuracy of ePHI. An automated EHR system can improve the medical billing process, thus saving …

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Crucial Benefits and Challenges of FHIR Integration

Key Takeaways The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) has adopted the FHIR data standard to enhance interoperability. The University noted that a joint effort by all healthcare organizations is needed to further advance and achieve the next goal of interoperability. Companies such as IBM and Mayo Clinic are leveraging FHIR integration for new clinical …

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A Guide To Data Lifecycle Management In Healthcare

Key Takeaways Once a healthcare organization reaches a certain scale, having a sound data lifecycle management strategy is essential. DLM guarantees not only the safety, correctness, and accessibility of an organization’s data, but also that it complies with all applicable data laws. To gain even more insight and control over the data consumption in your …

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Healthcare Integration: Benefits and Challenges

Key Takeaways Healthcare integration lowers medical expenses by speeding up the diagnosis process and eliminating the need for unnecessary tests in return. As per the Cures Act, data liquidity is vital to counter the interoperability challenges faced during healthcare integrations. Meaningful Use (MU) and value-based care are two ever-changing rules in the healthcare sector and …

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7 Questions to Ask Your Development Partner About Healthcare Data Backup and Recovery

More than 600 USA healthcare organizations and 18 million patient records was affected by ransomware in 2020, costing around $21 billion. This loss is an indication for healthcare facilities to strengthen data backup and recovery process to avoid downtime and to get back to normal working as fast as possible post attack or any disaster. …

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Guide to Healthcare Data Protection and Overcoming Security Challenges

The health-tech industry has surged tremendously from the past few years and with this surge threat to personal information is also increasing. As per a report by cybersecurity company Critical Insights, in 2021 cybersecurity breaches hit an all-time high, exposing patients’ PHI (Protected Health Information). To avoid data breaches or any other cyber threats, it’s …

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big data in healthcare

How Big Data in Healthcare Encourages Value-Based Care

An insightful survey by the PwC reveals that 91% of surveyed patients underwent video virtual care and are likely to use it again. In addition, 66% of all individuals would use remote clinical trials. Thus, it’s evident that the healthcare world is becoming used to technologies and using them to their benefit. Given the complex …

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