Nidhi Shah

How To Build Your Healthcare SaaS Product For Better Conversions?

According to Salesforce, as a SaaS provider, you’re not just selling a software product, but a complete service that includes delivery, support, and ongoing maintenance. Check out our guide on how to create a SaaS website that converts. One of the biggest challenges, in the journey to build a healthcare SaaS business is to ensure …

How To Build Your Healthcare SaaS Product For Better Conversions? Read More »

Non-Technical Founder’s Guide to Reviewing Healthcare Developer Code

Every non-technical founder must ideally do a code review for their healthcare app. Even if you’re a technical founder, we recommend getting the code reviewed by an expert. With the age of AI, code review has become much more easier. A non-technical founder can leverage OpenAI code interpreter to review codes of healthcare applications. The …

Non-Technical Founder’s Guide to Reviewing Healthcare Developer Code Read More »

10 Quick User Experience Fixes To Increase Your Healthcare App’s Retention Rates

Key Takeaways: The user should be able to access the healthcare app and its content in the minimum possible time. Use the screen space and time wisely when your healthcare app is loading. A splash screen gives you a short but vital window to engage a user in your proposition. Users expect to be corrected …

10 Quick User Experience Fixes To Increase Your Healthcare App’s Retention Rates Read More »

4 Questions To Ask Your Healthcare App Developer To Build A Bug Free App

Key Takeaways: While testing your mHealth app, the best practice is to ask your healthcare mobile app developer to put themselves in different shoes and use the app in different ways. Put your healthcare app through various ‘surprise’ events to find out how the app handles such interruptions. The best practice would be to start …

4 Questions To Ask Your Healthcare App Developer To Build A Bug Free App Read More »

8 Annoying Features Healthcare Mobile App Developers Should Stop Building

Did you know that first and second impressions of a new app are everything for a user and 57 percent of them will use an app once or twice before deciding to delete it? This means an app has just one shot to make a lasting impression. That’s some pressure! The number of downloads or app installs …

8 Annoying Features Healthcare Mobile App Developers Should Stop Building Read More »

Have A Healthcare App Idea? Here’s What You Should Do Next

Key Takeaways: If you have a great idea for a healthcare application, look for resources which are very specific and actionable, which are meant for the training of a healthcare app entrepreneur, and which talk in the language of mobile apps. Focus on healthcare-specific startup events that will help you develop a healthcare mobile application. …

Have A Healthcare App Idea? Here’s What You Should Do Next Read More »

6 Healthcare Mobile App Beta Testing Resources To Get Early Adopters

There are TWO reasons why you’d want to beta test your healthcare mobile app: one is to test it for bugs and user flow experience and two, to gain early adopters and understand user behavior. Either way, healthcare mobile app testing helps healthtech entrepreneurs move forward. And it can certainly put you on the right …

6 Healthcare Mobile App Beta Testing Resources To Get Early Adopters Read More »

How To Build An App That Gets Acquired Within 2 Years

Building a startup is not a cakewalk. The challenges are immense, but the rewards are great too. A daily life problem can have the best business idea hidden in it; you only need to keep your eyes and ears open and sniff it out when the opportunity strikes. Sometimes, the product clicks immediately, but frequently …

How To Build An App That Gets Acquired Within 2 Years Read More »

5 Things You Should Know Before Developing A mHealth Hybrid App

The debate over whether you should go in for developing with a native mobile app development or hybrid app development (especially for healthcare apps) rages on. According to Statista, around one-third of mobile app developers use cross-platform or hybrid technologies/frameworks, whereas the rest use native ones. Before we get started on this topic, here’s what …

5 Things You Should Know Before Developing A mHealth Hybrid App Read More »

5 Tips to Improve Your Healthcare Mobile App User Onboarding Process

The first impression of a healthcare mobile app is the user onboarding screens. These are often the first set of screens that patients and practitioners interact with, get familiarized with the functionality, and also set the expectations from the app. User onboarding is also the process of transforming first-time users into valued customers. Getting a …

5 Tips to Improve Your Healthcare Mobile App User Onboarding Process Read More »

Impactful Healthtech Push Notification Examples To Drive Patient Engagement

What makes push notifications so powerful? They are immediate, personal, and right at your palm. Hence, it is an ideal choice for increasing patient engagement in healthcare mobile apps. According to data, the average click-through rate (CTR) of the health and fitness industry is 1.61 percent and only 5.01 percent of the users in the …

Impactful Healthtech Push Notification Examples To Drive Patient Engagement Read More »

200+ of the Best App Review Sites to Submit your Mobile App

Even the most well-designed and innovative apps can go unnoticed among over 3 million app across app stores. Have you submitted your mobile app to app review sites yet? According to a recent Google-Ipsos survey, 52% of awareness for apps comes from friends, family and colleagues, essentially word of mouth marketing. After you’ve built your …

200+ of the Best App Review Sites to Submit your Mobile App Read More »

11 Things You Should Know Before Developing A Healthcare App

Healthcare technology, and specifically mobile health is booming, especially after the recent pandemic fueling the development of healthcare applications. Growth in coverage of mobile cellular networks, increasing chronic conditions, and growing availability of patient education technology in developed and emerging economies alike have churned out better opportunities for the mobile health market. Healthcare is one …

11 Things You Should Know Before Developing A Healthcare App Read More »

10 Successful Tech Founders On Outsourcing Product Development

Not everyone who conceives a tech product idea has a technical background. What should you do if you’re one of them – build a team internally or turn to an outsourced product development company? If you are the non-tech founder, you pretty much have the following four options: Find a tech co-founder (akin to finding a …

10 Successful Tech Founders On Outsourcing Product Development Read More »

Experts Share 14 Ways to Reduce Time-To-Value in your Product

Reducing the time-to-value can improve retention rates, increase engagement and improve chances of product success. What is time-to-value? Time-to-value is the time it takes for the user to experience the promised value in the product from the time they request for it. We spoke to some of the most successful tech founders, product managers, engineers and UI/UX …

Experts Share 14 Ways to Reduce Time-To-Value in your Product Read More »

7 Founders Share Their Secret to Building a Successful AI App

The artificial intelligence and voice recognition space has been growing rapidly. According to a Gartner report, by 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be managed without a human. This is pretty much likely, as we are already teaching our machines to interpret data into logical solutions. Apps running on artificial intelligence should make a user’s life …

7 Founders Share Their Secret to Building a Successful AI App Read More »

When Joining a Startup Accelerator Program is a Bad Idea

The one thing startup accelerators don’t ensure is success of your startup. But, they surely help you with resources, access to funding and most importantly – mentoring. DropBox, AirBnB and Quora – all these companies went through a startup accelerator program. Looking at such success stories, more and more startups are looking for access to …

When Joining a Startup Accelerator Program is a Bad Idea Read More »

The Best Online Courses For Aspiring App Entrepreneurs

An app entrepreneur might have the will, the resources, and the time to take on the world with a million-dollar business idea, but a little guidance doesn’t hurt. Searching for the best online courses for aspiring entrepreneurs? There is so much that has been said about entrepreneurship and building great businesses that now it sounds …

The Best Online Courses For Aspiring App Entrepreneurs Read More »

Reasons Your Outsourced App Project Gets Delayed (And How To Fix It)

When app development is outsourced, the biggest challenge for a project (product) manager is to meet the project deadlines and keep the project on track. There are a plenty of factors that can result in a project delay, such as, not setting proper expectations from the start of the project, miscommunication (or less communication) between the …

Reasons Your Outsourced App Project Gets Delayed (And How To Fix It) Read More »

Top Experts Explain When To Build A Cross-Platform App

A few days back, product development experts gave their views on outsourcing to a product development company. The next logical question for many founders building a mobile app is whether to build a cross-platform app or not. There are plenty of resources and tons of content already written about this subject across the Internet, but all …

Top Experts Explain When To Build A Cross-Platform App Read More »

The Key to Successful Machine Learning in Developing Products

In the latest episode of #BiteSize, Xavier Amatriain, best known for his work on Machine Learning, explains the key to successful machine learning in building products, whether a mobile or web app. Xavier Amatriain Xavier Amatriain is VP of engineering at Quora, where he leads the team building the best source of knowledge in the …

The Key to Successful Machine Learning in Developing Products Read More »

11 Product Managers Highlight What Customers Want From Your Product

What do customers want from your product? A challenging question faced by many a product managers and founders building web and mobile apps. Continuing our series of expert roundups (we spoke about what experts thought the future of virtual reality was), this time, we have 11 successful product managers who have built and scaled great …

11 Product Managers Highlight What Customers Want From Your Product Read More »

How To Win Your Competitor’s Customers? Nir Eyal Shares 3 Strategies

In the latest episode of #BiteSize, Nir Eyal gives out three actionable strategies to win your competitor’s customers. Nir Eyal Nir Eyal writes, consults, and teaches about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. The M.I.T. Technology Review dubbed Nir, “The Prophet of Habit-Forming Technology.” Nir founded two tech companies since 2003 and has taught at the Stanford Graduate School …

How To Win Your Competitor’s Customers? Nir Eyal Shares 3 Strategies Read More »

Quora’s VP Engineering Explains The Importance of Machine Learning

In the latest episode of #BiteSize, Xavier Amatriain, best known for his work on Machine Learning, explains what exactly is machine learning and why is it so important nowadays? Xavier Amatriain Xavier Amatriain is VP of engineering at Quora, where he leads the team building the best source of knowledge in the Internet. With over …

Quora’s VP Engineering Explains The Importance of Machine Learning Read More »

What Social Entrepreneurs Must Know About Building Apps

Data on millennials’ behavior show that we care much more than past generations about supporting and working for companies that are doing good in the world. With over 53.5 million millennial workforce in the US – more than one-third, social entrepreneurship needs to get some attention. How mobile apps are carving the path for social …

What Social Entrepreneurs Must Know About Building Apps Read More »

Apple CareKit: All You Need To Know Before You Build An App

Apple has been on a mission of improving healthcare from past few years. The company has hired top scientists and has partnered with leading hospitals to change the face of the healthcare business. Apple’s ambitions about changing healthcare became clearer when it announced Apple Watch and the ResearchKit. From helping doctors track their patients and prioritize …

Apple CareKit: All You Need To Know Before You Build An App Read More »

9 Alternatives for Getting a Small Business Loan Quickly

Oftentimes, entrepreneurs don’t think about raising money through small business loans as much as they think about venture funding. Both have their pros and cons, but a bank wouldn’t take equity in your startup or company while financing. There are many private lenders that are now interested in serving the startup community. And they’ve made the …

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