Custom Healthcare Software Development

With Arkenea’s specialization as a custom healthcare software development company and experience in developing custom medical solutions for 12+ years, we are sharing our deep insights into the medical technology space to help you develop a cost effective and efficient software that meets all of your needs, from clinical workflow management to patient engagement and data analytics..

In-House Medical Billing Software vs Outsourced Billing Services

Key Takeaways Expenses of the in-house medical billing software are much higher than the outsourced billing services. The former includes costs such as overheads, staffing expenses, hardware, and more; which is absent in outsourcing services. The only way to know the effectiveness of in-house medical billing software vs outsourced billing services is to compare them …

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Understanding the Process of Medical Device Software Testing

Key Takeaways CD (Continuously Delivery) is vital for pushing codes quickly to customers. Automated testing is important for CD as manual testing won’t be able to achieve it. Key regulation to consider for medical devices is IEC 62304. It determines the life cycle requirements for medical device software. The set of activities defined in this …

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A Complete Checklist on How to Implement FHIR

Key Takeaways A Restful resource ensures data access through an endpoint, by using specific structures and formats. FHIR uses REST as the base for data exchange in its API. FHIR implementation can help to link EHR and wearables such as blood glucose monitors, diet apps, Bluetooth scales, and fitness trackers. Apps built on FHIR API …

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FHIR Components and Resources

FHIR Components and Resources: Revolutionizing Healthcare Data Exchange

Key Takeaway: Standardized framework for healthcare data exchange Seamless interoperability between health IT systems and applications Improved communication within the healthcare industry Enhanced patient care and outcomes The rapid evolution of the healthcare industry has led to increasing demand for seamless and interoperable exchange of health information. Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR, pronounced “fire”) has …

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FHIR message

FHIR Messaging : A Complete Guide on Streamlining Healthcare Data Exchange

Key Takeaway A standardized foundation for transferring healthcare data between various systems and applications is provided by FHIR messaging. FHIR communications enhance interoperability and make it easier and more efficient for healthcare professionals to access and exchange patient data. Better patient outcomes are made possible by FHIR messaging’s faster data interchange, flexibility, and adaptability. A …

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LMS In Healthcare: Everything You Need to Know About

Key Takeaway:- LMS can deliver training and education to healthcare employees, improving their skills and knowledge. It can result in better patient outcomes and overall quality of care. LMS can assist healthcare firms in adhering to industry standards and regulatory compliance obligations. Employee progress and performance can be tracked and monitored with the use of …

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How To Build Your Healthcare SaaS Product For Better Conversions?

According to Salesforce, as a SaaS provider, you’re not just selling a software product, but a complete service that includes delivery, support, and ongoing maintenance. Check out our guide on how to create a SaaS website that converts. One of the biggest challenges, in the journey to build a healthcare SaaS business is to ensure …

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How One Company’s Efforts Are Easing The Challenges Of Healthcare Software Development

Historically, the healthcare industry has been among the slowest adopters when it comes to technology but that is rapidly changing. Healthcare organizations across the globe are racing towards adopting cutting edge technologies while aiming for a superlative patient experience.  The field of healthcare software development is rife with challenges that are unique to the sector. …

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Top-Notch Patient Care Technology that You Should Know

Key Takeaways Data suggests that 85 percent of physicians use telehealth because it provides access to quality care from home. EHR provides a detailed description of patients’ medical history. Physicians can study digital charts and gain insights into patients’ conditions. Smartwatches and FitBits are now going mainstream. Continuous glucose monitoring sensors in wearables are used …

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10 Technologies In Nursing That Is Transforming Patient Care

Key Takeaway Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have revolutionized nursing documentation, making it more efficient, accurate, and accessible. Telehealth and telemedicine technologies allow nurses to provide remote patient care, monitoring, and education, which has been particularly helpful during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mobile health technologies such as apps, wearable devices, and sensors have empowered patients to monitor …

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Check Out 30 Essential Categories of Healthcare KPI

Key Takeaways Average hospital stay, an operational healthcare KPI, measures the time spent by a patient at the healthcare facility. This is a general metric and can vary as per the type of stay. Treatment costs, a financial healthcare KPI, tracks the impact of treatment costs on the finances, contribution margin made, and the capacity …

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Pivotal EHR Features that Every Health Developer Must Include

Key Takeaways One of the EHR features, automated scheduling prevents no-shows and cancellations, which otherwise can cost physicians around $150 per year. EHR documentation feature prevents medical error, which is one of the leading causes of death in the healthcare sector. Roughly around 7000 to 9000 deaths are reported due to medical errors. EHR data …

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testing healthcare applications

Testing Healthcare Applications : All You Need to Know In 2023

Key Takeaway: Prioritize patient safety and data security when testing healthcare applications. Test all features of the application, including integrations with other systems and devices. Conduct comprehensive testing covering functional, usability, security, performance, and regulatory compliance aspects. Use experienced professionals who understand the unique challenges and requirements of healthcare applications. Ensure testing is an ongoing …

Testing Healthcare Applications : All You Need to Know In 2023 Read More »

Crucial Benefits and Challenges of FHIR Integration

Key Takeaways The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) has adopted the FHIR data standard to enhance interoperability. The University noted that a joint effort by all healthcare organizations is needed to further advance and achieve the next goal of interoperability. Companies such as IBM and Mayo Clinic are leveraging FHIR integration for new clinical …

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A Complete Guide on Medication Tracking Software

Key Takeaways Improper dosages lead to adverse health effects on patients, hence medication tracking software is used to guide patients on their dosages regularly. Absolute contraindications of drugs cause life-threatening situations. Medication tracking software checks for contraindications, and alerts patients and doctors in case of harmful drug mixing. Features such as refill reminders, synchronization across …

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The Only Software Requirements Document Template You Need

Great applications cannot be built without having their foundations laid on a great plan. The software requirement document template or the SRS document template are the outline of the plan that needs to be followed while developing your software application. What is a software requirement specifications document? The software requirement specifications (also referred to as …

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Everything You Need to Know About Healthcare Software Maintenance and Support

Key Takeaways With Agile and DevOps methodologies, developers fix bugs at every software development stage. Thus, ensuring that there’s no excess workload at the last minute. Corrective, adaptative, preventive, and perfective are four popular software maintenance strategies used by developers. On average, healthcare software maintenance and support cost $3,000 – $5,000 per week. The cost …

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LIS vs LIMS : What Are The Key Difference Between The Two Systems?

Key Takeaways The LIS and LIMS have become so intertwined that it is difficult to differentiate between the two, although the primary objective of both systems’ development has remained the same. Despite the fact that LIS and LIMS often focus on distinct things and are used in different ways, they are nonetheless frequently discussed together …

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A Detailed Outlook on the E-Prescription Software Development

Key Takeaways A need to control substance usage and reduce medication errors is driving the e-prescribing market growth during the 2023-2030 timeframe. Key audiences to note during the e-prescription software development are the elderly, chronic disease, and bedridden patients. Online medication orders, refills, and reminders help such patients to keep a track of their health …

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What Are Patient Portals And Factors To Consider When Getting One Developed

Key Takeaways A good patient portal must have a minimum feature set that includes appointment scheduling, asynchronous chats (doctors respond when they are available), and the collection of medical records. Software development for patient portals entails creating various programs. We should prioritize developing patient-focused websites and mobile applications, but we should also roll out provider-facing …

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13 Key Patient Portal Features to Include In Your Software

Key Takeaways Online appointment scheduling is a convenient patient portal feature for young people. A survey reports that younger generations are more likely to use online appointment scheduling for healthcare check-ups. E-prescribing is a must-have patient portal feature as it prevents medication errors, that can lead to hospitalization, death, and disabilities. A poll reported that …

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Hospital Management Software Development : The Complete Guide

Key takeaways Developed for a variety of healthcare facilities to store, process, and manage medical, financial, and administrative data, hospital management software is cloud-based or on-premise software. Hospitals, medical facilities, and clinics rely on manual systems, which experts have emphasized and reaffirmed. When compared to automated ones, it can result in greater data theft and …

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An In-Depth Insight on Product Life Cycle in Healthcare

Key Takeaways Product life cycle in healthcare helps companies to make long-term plans for medical product development, investments, marketing, and resource allocations. Product life cycle is divided into four key stages: Introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Innovation is a key driver for a better product life cycle in healthcare a report states that 25 percent …

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Complete Guide To Healthcare CRM Development ‌

Key Takeaways With CRM solutions on a smartphone, it is no longer necessary to keep separate sheets for each customer. Without the worry of duplication, you can handle all of the data in one location. The demand for business healthcare systems, such as EHR, CRM, telemedicine, etc., is driven by the expanding patient population, which …

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A Guide to Medical Staff Scheduling Software Development

Key Takeaways Automated scheduling is the key benefit of medical staff scheduling software as it decreases the chances of double bookings and appointing the wrong staff to a patient. Staff scheduling software development avoids high turnover rates, thereby ensuring positive patient outcomes. A study states that a balanced nurse-to-patient ratio influences patient outcomes. A medical …

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A Comprehensive Outlook on Healthcare Data Management

Key Takeaways Integration of AI in healthcare data management helps to make better decisions for acute care, which in turn improves patient outcomes. Predictive analytics and data sharing programs such that of California can enhance population health and curb epidemic and pandemic-like situations. Healthcare data management reduces hospital costs through remote patient care of chronically …

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5 Crucial Features of Digital Therapeutics Software

Digital health is increasingly becoming popular amongst people due to its varied benefits such as online consultations, access to medical history, and robust security. Plus, quick access to healthcare and treatment is driving people to use more of digital health applications. Telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and fitness wearables are a few examples of digital health. …

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Overall Estimates of Healthcare SaaS Development Cost

The healthcare SaaS market is at an all time high, and is projected to garner a CAGR of 17.9 percent during 2021 to 2028 timeframe. SaaS is a popular technology across financial services, information technology, and analytics, but its role in the healthcare sector is a game changer. Healthcare SaaS application is integrated over multiple …

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A Structured Guide on Healthcare Software Modernization

The pandemic forced healthcare facilities to rely more on medical technology and digital health, thus paving way for healthcare modernization. Healthcare software modernization banks on the idea of using technologies such as telehealth, IoMT (Internet of Medical Things), health informatics, etc, to develop efficient, cost-effective and better healthcare services. Mobile and remote healthcare are key …

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6 Aspects Impacting Electronic Medical Records (EMR) Costs

Automation in electronic medical records (EMR) ensures fewer medical errors, thereby enhancing chances of better care and patient outcome. Real-time access to test results through EMRs has made it easier for healthcare providers to offer better diagnosis of diseases, which in turn augments patient satisfaction and experience. EMRs are a cornerstone for healthcare facilities, therefore …

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