Custom Healthcare Software Development

With Arkenea’s specialization as a custom healthcare software development company and experience in developing custom medical solutions for 12+ years, we are sharing our deep insights into the medical technology space to help you develop a cost effective and efficient software that meets all of your needs, from clinical workflow management to patient engagement and data analytics..

The Complete Guide To Medical Billing Software Development

The healthcare industry is experiencing digital transformation, and with this patients are opting for online payments due to its varied advantages. Around 38 percent of consumers preferred online payment for medical bills through hospital/doctors’ website, and 17 percent of people opted for health plan website for payment. Integrating a medical billing software in a healthcare …

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Everything to Know About Developing Health Information Exchange (HIE) Software

The demand for health information exchange (HIE) across healthcare organizations is high, as it allows nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and other healthcare staff to share and access patients’ data securely. HIE also improves the quality, speed, cost, and safety of patient care. According to a report published in 2019, 32 percent of the individuals who went …

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A Comprehensive Outlook of Clinical Trial Management Software

A clinical trial management software, also known as CTMS (Clinical Trial Management System), handles processes, operations, and data involved in clinical trials and studies. A CTMS centralizes all trial and research data, streamline workflows, and optimizes trial processes. Research centers, pharmaceutical companies, and medical research centers use this software to carry out trials seamlessly. Clinical …

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All You Need To Know About Veterinary Practice Management Software Development

Veterinary services are surging due to rise in animal rescue centers and adoption rates across the country. Aspects such as rise in pet owners in the US, along with an increase in animal health expenditures are driving vets to opt for veterinary practice management software solutions. According to a report, the US veterinary software market …

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6 Compelling Use Cases of NLP in Healthcare

Growing volume of unorganized clinical data is driving the need for NLP (Natural Language Processing) in healthcare. Integrating NLP in healthcare not only helps in managing data, but also aids service providers to ameliorate patient engagement and experience. According to a report, the global NLP in healthcare and life sciences market is anticipated to reach …

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Guide to Dental Practice Management Software Development

Dental practice management software is an administrative tool to help dentists and management team operate clinics efficiently. The demand for dental practice management software is fueled by advancements in the dentistry field such as EHR integrations and rise in oral problems in senior citizens. The US dental practice management software market is surging due to …

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Critical Considerations For Healthcare Price Transparency Platform Development

Surprise medical bills isn’t welcomed by people. As per a report, two-thirds of the Americans are worried about being able to afford surprise or unexpected medical bills. Whether one can afford prescription drugs, a healthcare service, or premiums is at the back of every individuals’ mind. Unexpected medical charges cause anxiety and confusion that can …

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Leveraging Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS) For a Strategic Business Augmentation

Cloud computing and services has augmented from the last decade – from SaaS (Software as a Service) to PaaS (Platform as a Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), cloud computing has revolutionized the workplace. As per IMARC, Anything-as-a-Service or Everything-as-a-Service (XaaS) is estimated to reach $344.3 billion by 2024. Everything as a service includes …

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Enterprise Software Development Methodologies: A Comprehensive Guide

Enterprise software development methodologies offer a robust framework from initiation to completion of  a project. Enterprises aim at custom software development that fulfills and suits their businesses needs and goals. These goals include rapid time to market, scalability, cost savings, and incorporation of exclusive features. However, to achieve these goals, its vital to choose the …

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software development strategy

Creating A Robust Software Development Strategy

Crucial challenges faced while developing a software are innovation, agility during software development, and timely launch of a software. These challenges are overcome by devising a software development strategy; right framework and mindset are key to creating a robust software development strategy and leading companies are proof that it works. For example, Cisco, a networking …

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Experts Share 14 Ways to Reduce Time-To-Value in your Product

Reducing the time-to-value can improve retention rates, increase engagement and improve chances of product success. What is time-to-value? Time-to-value is the time it takes for the user to experience the promised value in the product from the time they request for it. We spoke to some of the most successful tech founders, product managers, engineers and UI/UX …

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healthcare communication

How To Improve Communication In Healthcare

Medical errors are the third leading cause of death, after cardiovascular disease and cancer. As per a study, around 251,000 deaths were reported annually in the U.S.A. due to medical errors. Reason for these deaths is miscommunication within the healthcare facilities. Absence of clear communication hampers healthcare management system. For instance, a UC San Francisco …

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The Step By Step Guide To Building A Healthcare Technology Platform

The healthcare industry has long been facing challenges in regards to healthcare interoperability. The traditional healthcare technology put the healthcare data in silos which resulted in lengthy, inefficient processes and put healthcare data at risk of security breaches. Individual medical practitioners as well as healthcare organizations are beginning to realize that healthcare-specific technologies are the …

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The Key Components of a Best-in-Breed Digital Front Door

The healthcare industry is currently undergoing a transition in which patients are pushing healthcare organizations to provide more patient-centric experiences and services. Patients are used to the convenience and ease that digitalization has brought to other industries and are now expecting the same experience when managing their healthcare. A healthcare digital front door is a …

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Complete Feature Guide To Integrate In Your Doctor Appointment Booking App

With technology seeping into every aspect of lives, the modern day patients expect the experience of having a healthcare checkup seamless as well. The need for technology in the patient’s experience starts right from booking the appointment. A recent research report by Accenture found that on an average, it takes about 8 minutes for a …

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How To Estimate The Overall Cost For A Healthcare Software Development Project

Healthcare software development has gone mainstream. Hospitals and healthcare organizations are increasingly investing in custom software development to take their practice to new heights, furnish a better patient experience and streamline care delivery. The global healthcare software market was valued at $74.2 Billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.7 …

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7 Agile Metrics That Matter For Successful Project Management

Agile metrics are the quantifiable measures to determine the parameters around the agile project including the quality of work, productivity, progress and level of success of the project and the performance and well being of the Agile team. “Great companies are almost always run by great management teams. And great management teams know that the …

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How to Monitor for Success with Technology in Your Hospital

Remote patient monitoring is an area of tremendous opportunity within the healthcare landscape. It offers the benefit of monitoring the health status of patients in home care settings and offering data-driven care. It also allows for optimal utilization of the hospital facilities by ensuring that only the patients who are in need of hospitalization are …

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6 Ways How Technology Can Improve The Hospital Experience

Healthtech advancements have come a long way from being innovations in the healthcare space to becoming everyday realities. Technology has a direct impact on the experiences that patients and their caregivers have when interacting with hospitals and healthcare facilities. With the healthcare industry increasingly moving towards a patient-first approach, technology has the potential to act …

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The Complete Guide on Implementing New Technology into Hospital Pharmacy

Technological advances in the field of pharmacy have allowed pharmacies to increase their efficiency and enabled the pharmaceutical industry to implement and increase the pharmacist-managed clinical services. The pharmacy automation market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8 percent during the five year period of 2020-2025. Technological advances in the field of artificial …

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A Framework To Scale Your Software And Lower Maintenance Costs

Software development is a multifaceted process, one that is riddled with a number of different challenges along the way. The longer you iterate on your software project, whether it’s a web or a mobile application, the more complex it becomes. The software maintenance costs also add up really quickly. Cost Optimization of your current software …

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Top 10 EMR Software Companies in 2022

There are numerous EMR Software Companies providing comprehensive and useful cost-effective EMR software, making the search for the right fit for your business a daunting task.  On the other hand, if you’re looking to develop a custom EHR for your practice, Arkenea is a healthcare software development company that is 100% dedicated to the industry. …

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