Healthcare Technology

How AI in Medical Documentation Helps to Reduce Physician Burnout

Key Takeaways Generative AI is a useful tool for medical documentation and can reduce admin work for healthcare providers. It is trained to summarize patient information in less time, thus decreasing clinician burnout. NLP is used in medical documentation to convert unstructured data into a structured format for easy access. This technology has certain benefits …

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AI in Medical Imaging Software: Key Features and Benefits

Key Takeaways With artificial intelligence imaging, the issue of image retake can be eliminated as AI helps to boost the quality of images. AI also enhances low-quality scans by decreasing artifacts and noise. AI algorithm can be trained to spot abnormalities in medical imaging. According to a study, an AI model was developed to differentiate …

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Unlocking Insights to a Seamless Healthcare Data Migration

Key Takeaways One of the reasons for healthcare data migration is to increase storage capacity. With the rise in healthcare data every day, a better, larger, and more robust storage space is needed. Planning of healthcare data migration revolves around what type of data needs to be migrated and in which format, along with storage …

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healthcare workflow automation

Improving Patient Care with Healthcare Workflow Automation

If you’re venturing into the healthcare industry or are looking to streamline your existing healthcare operations, you’ve likely heard the buzzword – ‘workflow automation.’ Today, with the convergence of healthcare and technology, the benefits of healthcare workflow automation have become increasingly apparent. But what exactly is it, and how can it revolutionize how we deliver …

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5 Must-Know Benefits of Healthcare Workflow Automation

Key Takeaways Administrative errors are caused due to mismanaged health data. Manual data entry gives rise to administrative errors in hospitals and clinics. Healthcare workflow automation helps to minimize these errors. Primary care providers need an average of 26.7 hours to carry out administrative work and offer patient care simultaneously. Such a situation leaves zero …

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assisted living technologies

5 Emerging Assisted Living Technologies Revolutionizing Care Landscape

In the competitive landscape of assisted living services, distinguishing your facility is more crucial than ever.  Technological innovations provide a compelling way to stand out and meet the evolving needs of your residents.  Today, more than 30,000 assisted living facilities operate in the United States, as reported by the National Center for Assisted Living. The …

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AI in telehealth

Empowering Remote Healthcare: How AI in Telehealth is Changing the Game

Key Takeaway: AI can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of telehealth services by providing real-time data analysis, predictive analytics, and decision support to healthcare providers and patients. AI-powered tools such as remote patient monitoring devices, chatbots, and virtual assistants can improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs by enabling remote care and early detection of …

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The Top 7 Real-World Examples of AI in Healthcare

Key Takeaway AI can be used for medical imaging, drug discovery, electronic health records, clinical decision support, virtual assistants, disease prediction, and more. AI in medical imaging can help doctors identify potential issues such as tumors, masses, or abnormal growths. AI can provide personalized treatment recommendations for patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, helping …

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14 Ways ChatGPT Is Transforming The Future Of Health

Key Takeaways The Nature survey stated that ChatGPT will benefit research and assist in boring or repetitive tasks. This includes debugging codes, crunching numbers, and analyzing large data sets. ChatGPT, a generative AI, can access terabytes of data in less than seconds to predict medical conditions. Thus, making it quicker and easier for healthcare providers …

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15 Powerful Applications of Generative AI in Healthcare

Key Takeaways Generative AI models can create synthetic images that are close to real images. Some of the prominent generative AI models used for imaging are DALL-E 2, GLIDE, and ChatGPT. In healthcare, generative AI helps doctors to create copies of patient data and automate form-filling tasks. It can also be integrated with EHR for …

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Top 6 Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare

Key Takeaways According to a report published in the JAMA Network Open in 2021, machine learning models can be used to predict COVID-19 clinical severity with the help of large-scale US COVID-19 data resources. One of the key machine learning applications in healthcare is clinical trial and research. ML helps to automate surveys, capture voice …

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6 Things to Look for When Hiring Healthcare AI Consulting Company

Key Takeaways: The first thing to remember about building healthcare AI applications is that there are many different platforms and development options under this umbrella term. The more good quality, curated training data is available, the more you can shorten the timeline for training healthcare AI algorithms. CloudAutoML, IBM’s Watson,, Enlitic, Regard, and Twill …

6 Things to Look for When Hiring Healthcare AI Consulting Company Read More »

AI In pharmacy

9 Cutting Edge Applications of AI In Pharmacy

Key Takeaway: AI can help predict the potential effectiveness of new drugs and speed up the drug discovery process. AI can analyze patient data to create personalized treatment plans based on individual genetic and biological factors. AI can help design and optimize clinical trials to make them more efficient and cost-effective. AI can analyze patient …

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5 Prominent Use Cases of Blockchain in Healthcare

Key Takeaways Blockchain in healthcare works as a decentralized ledger system that is duplicated and distributed over a network of computers. It allows access to data to all the designated members who can share, record, and view encrypted transactional data on the blockchain. MedRec, a blockchain-based system allows patients to authorize providers to view their …

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5 Cutting Edge Applications of NLP in Healthcare

Key Takeaways According to research, doctors who use NLP-enabled speech recognition, get at least two hours free per day, which they can spend with patients. A research is aimed at using a natural language processing enabled CDS (Clinical Decision Support) system to capture both free-text and discrete data of patients to improve the system’s ability …

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How To Build An App That Gets Acquired Within 2 Years

Building a startup is not a cakewalk. The challenges are immense, but the rewards are great too. A daily life problem can have the best business idea hidden in it; you only need to keep your eyes and ears open and sniff it out when the opportunity strikes. Sometimes, the product clicks immediately, but frequently …

How To Build An App That Gets Acquired Within 2 Years Read More »

5 Ways in Which Healthcare Data Visualization is Transforming Healthcare

Key Takeaways Healthcare provider can make use of data visualization to assess past and present medical history, to improve patient care and outcome. Data visualization in healthcare helps to prevent medical errors and frauds, and if they are undetected it can lead to fatalities, transaction frauds, and incorrect treatment. Data visualization tools include widgets, interactive …

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ai in telemedicine

7 Evident Ways AI is Transforming Telemedicine

The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in telemedicine to allow doctors to make rich, data-driven, real-time decisions is a major factor in providing a better patient experience and improved health outcomes as physicians move more toward virtual care alternatives throughout the care continuum. According to MIT research, 75% of healthcare facilities that used AI recognized …

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alternative to php

10 Top PHP Alternatives to Know Before Starting a Software Project

As per a report, 77.6 percent of the people use PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) as a go to programming language for web development. Even though PHP is popular language, developers are turning to alternatives that are much quicker, easier to learn, and are used for multiple sectors or applications. This article highlights top 10 alternatives to …

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software development strategy

Creating A Robust Software Development Strategy

Crucial challenges faced while developing a software are innovation, agility during software development, and timely launch of a software. These challenges are overcome by devising a software development strategy; right framework and mindset are key to creating a robust software development strategy and leading companies are proof that it works. For example, Cisco, a networking …

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cloud computing in biotech

Cloud Computing In Biotech: An Essential Guide

Cloud adoption can be found in practically every biopharmaceutical endeavor in the recent times. Drug and therapy research, for example, is data-intensive, especially with the growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Customers are asking for extended access to their vital data now that they have access to all of the compute …

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25 Technology Grants for Healthcare Startups

According to Mercom Capital Group, the majority of consumer-centric healthcare funding went into the mobile health category ($401 million in 45 deals), and within mobile health, $129 million went to 23 companies developing apps, and $226 million went to 17 companies developing wearables. No wonder then, there are a number of healthcare startups that have …

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Agile Software Development In Healthcare: Benefits and Crucial Considerations

As the healthcare ecosystem rapidly shifts towards value-based care, the need for innovative and data driven software is being felt more than ever. Teams developing healthcare software have traditionally followed the waterfall model of software development. With linear step-wise approach which consists of fixed sequential procedures and upfront planning that requires all the requirements and …

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metaverse in healthcare

Metaverse in Healthcare: Is It The Next Frontier?

From entertainment to business development, and from healthcare to networking, and more, digitization has changed the lifestyle of people and made it easier. With the announcement of the metaverse, experts geared up to find its usage in varied industries, healthcare being one of them. As per a report, AR is estimated to gain $2.9 trillion …

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big data in home health care

4 Ways Big Data Helps In Home Healthcare

As per a study, 94 percent of the respondents estimate that interoperability and next-generation data will enable surplus data sharing. The report also predicts that by 2040 technological, scientific, and interoperable data will transform healthcare. This also implies in how data impacts home healthcare. Healthcare system gathers and stores immense data acquired from Internet of …

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how data analytics drive health care interventions

How Data Analytics Drive Healthcare Interventions?

As per a report the number of people with chronic conditions is predicted to reach 171 million by 2030. This number is predicted to grow in the coming years, however the number can be controlled with adequate healthcare interventions.  Healthcare interventions are plans and strategies designed to curb infectious or fatal diseases amongst the population …

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Role of Population Health Analytics in Improving Annual Visits

Population health analytics is a way of using medical data, so that healthcare professionals can manage medical facilities better. Data analytics helps in devising a strategy for taking informed decisions about patient care and conditions. Data is a useful tool to determine number of visits needed for a patient to recover completely. Keeping a track …

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7 Founders Share Their Secret to Building a Successful AI App

The artificial intelligence and voice recognition space has been growing rapidly. According to a Gartner report, by 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be managed without a human. This is pretty much likely, as we are already teaching our machines to interpret data into logical solutions. Apps running on artificial intelligence should make a user’s life …

7 Founders Share Their Secret to Building a Successful AI App Read More »

big data in healthcare

How Big Data in Healthcare Encourages Value-Based Care

An insightful survey by the PwC reveals that 91% of surveyed patients underwent video virtual care and are likely to use it again. In addition, 66% of all individuals would use remote clinical trials. Thus, it’s evident that the healthcare world is becoming used to technologies and using them to their benefit. Given the complex …

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4 Digital Transformation Trends In Healthcare

Digital transformation is the journey of moving from pen and paper to spreadsheets, and to advanced mobile applications, for managing businesses, education, or healthcare. It is the process of utilizing technologies for creating smooth operations, bringing value to consumers, and making life easier. The pandemic accelerated digitization by several years. As per a survey, digitization …

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