Healthcare Technology

ai in medical diagnostics

5 Ways AI is Transforming Medical Diagnostics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) deployment fields are rapidly expanding. Cybersecurity, industry, education, and logistics have all benefited from this technology. And, in terms of healthcare too, AI has much to offer, specially in the medical diagnostics space. AI will increasingly be used in the healthcare area, according to recent research issued in the Future Healthcare Journal, …

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7 Artificial Intelligence (AI) App Entrepreneurs Reveal Success Strategies

Developing an AI (Artificial Intelligence) app? Then you would want to hear from 7 founders that have built and scaled AI apps to success. While talking to these 7 founders and many others in the Artificial Intelligence industry, we heard many common themes. But one almost always stood out – don’t get too consumed by …

7 Artificial Intelligence (AI) App Entrepreneurs Reveal Success Strategies Read More »

Best Cities for Healthcare Startups in the US

The HealthTech landscape is currently witnessing an era of tremendous advancements. HealthTech startups in the US are harnessing the power of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, blockchain, robotics, telemedicine and connected medical devices to further the advancement of data driven healthcare delivery. While Silicon Valley is the first thought of somebody …

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5 Proven Strategies For Improving Patient Engagement

Despite the recent strides in the health sector, effectively engaging the patients still remains a challenge for healthcare providers. According to the Healthcare Technology Trends, tech has the potential to act as a great enabler and boost patient participation and engagement in the matters of their own health.  Changing the Clinical Paradigm via Patient Engagement …

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8 Benefits of Adopting a DevOps Strategy in 2020

The quantifiable results generated as a result of adopting DevOps practices into the business infrastructure are acting as a propelling force which is boosting the move towards a DevOps environment. DevOps is all about a friction-less collaboration between the members of the development and the operations teams. It essentially helps in creating a highly responsive …

8 Benefits of Adopting a DevOps Strategy in 2020 Read More »

PHP vs Python: What’s Best For Your Project In 2020?

PHP or Python, which programming language has the potential to give you the maximum returns for the development time and efforts invested in your project? Which is more likely to be sustained in the long term? Here is a detailed comparison of both these programming languages based upon a number of different characteristics to help …

PHP vs Python: What’s Best For Your Project In 2020? Read More »

Flutter vs React Native: We Help You Decide What’s Best

One of the biggest dilemma that CTOs and developers have to face when developing a cross-platform app is choosing the framework for their app. Flutter vs React Native, the debate rages on, since both offer some of the best options for cross platform mobile development. Here’s a definitive guide to help you choose between these …

Flutter vs React Native: We Help You Decide What’s Best Read More »

How To Choose The Right Database For Your React Native Application

With market giants like Walmart, Bloomberg, and SoundCloud adopting React Native, it has received the most support among all cross-platform app development frameworks. Because of its status as the ‘future of mobile apps’, there is a lot of curiosity among developers about the right choice of database for building React Native apps. As apps grow …

How To Choose The Right Database For Your React Native Application Read More »

The Ultimate 9 Step Strategy For Building Cloud Applications

Cloud Computing is certainly the rage these days. More and more businesses are taking off from the ground and are increasingly hosted in the cloud. With cloud computing reshaping the development landscape, understanding the basics of designing and building cloud application architecture becomes quite important for all business organizations. Whether you are shifting your existing …

The Ultimate 9 Step Strategy For Building Cloud Applications Read More »

A Guide To Understanding And Implementing Data Lake Architecture

The amount of data being generated along with the multitude of sources that contribute towards data including IOT devices, social media data, sales as well as internal business data has increased significantly. This along with the rise in computing power, rising need for big data analytics and cloud computing have rendered the traditional data management …

A Guide To Understanding And Implementing Data Lake Architecture Read More »

6 Ways To Leverage AI in eCommerce

AI in eCommerce? Think personalized customer experience on Amazon where AI or Artificial Intelligence provides recommendations to the visitors based on their interests. As more and more people turn to shopping online than in traditional retail, it is increasingly becoming imperative to build intelligence or AI into eCommerce website design for various reasons such as customer engagement, …

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