5 Emerging Assisted Living Technologies Revolutionizing Care Landscape

assisted living technologies

In the competitive landscape of assisted living services, distinguishing your facility is more crucial than ever.  Technological innovations provide a compelling way to stand out and meet the evolving needs of your residents. 

Today, more than 30,000 assisted living facilities operate in the United States, as reported by the National Center for Assisted Living. The challenge for facility owners and service providers is to create an environment safe, supportive, and enriched by the latest technological advancements that enhance the quality of life.

The Role of Technology in Assisted Living

Medical alert systems, medication dispensers, and similar devices were once the main focus of assisted living technology.  But modern technology has surpassed many expectations, and cutting-edge devices have replaced primitive ones, empowering your residents more than ever.

Artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), telemedicine, smart home technology, and wearable gadgets are among the most advanced technologies of our time.  These helpful tools can help your facility become a dynamic living environment that actively encourages each resident’s health and happiness.

These technologies can provide better access to healthcare, promote social connection, stimulate cognitive health, assist with mobility, and even automate everyday tasks. As such, they’re quickly becoming non-negotiable aspects of a modern, resident-focused assisted living facility.

Tech Trend #1: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Assisted Living

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game-changer in the assisted living world.  With its ability to process and analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, AI is paving the way for personalized care on a scale we’ve never seen before.

Predictive analytics is one of AI’s most promising applications in assisted living. AI can predict potential health risks and falls by analyzing a resident’s behavior, movement patterns, and health data, enabling proactive care and intervention. This isn’t just a futuristic concept; facilities using this technology have reported reductions in hospital readmissions and improved overall resident safety.

Assisted living facilities are also increasingly using AI-powered virtual assistants, primarily smart speakers like Amazon’s Alexa or Google’s Home Assistant. These tools can support residents’ freedom and sense of community by assisting with everyday tasks, reminding them to take their medications, providing information, and even facilitating video conversations with loved ones.

Then there’s the emerging field of AI in mental health. AI-powered applications can provide cognitive behavioral therapy, help manage stress, and monitor signs of cognitive decline or depression. This allows for early intervention and continuous mental health support, which is crucial for the well-being of your residents.

The development of AI for implementation in your facility may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.  Many technology providers specialize in AI solutions for assisted living, and they can guide you through the process. And remember, while AI might represent an upfront investment, the potential benefits of improved resident safety, well-being, satisfaction, and operational efficiency make it worth considering. 

Tech Trend #2: Internet of Things (IoT) Devices in Assisted Living

The Internet of Things (IoT) has tremendous potential to improve the lives of residents in your assisted living facility by drawing valuable data from mundane objects. If you need to familiarize yourself with the term, IoT refers to a network of everyday items connected to other devices and systems via the Internet. These devices have sensors and in-built software that tracks important information and communicates it to other systems. 

The true beauty of IoT comes in its capacity to transform ordinary objects into sources of priceless data that can be used to improve tenants’ security, well-being, and comfort. For instance, sensors can be inserted in chairs to track sitting time, mattresses to track sleeping patterns, and refrigerators to track eating behaviors.  This data can provide you with actionable insights to personalize care and respond to potential health issues in real-time.

One of the most impactful uses of IoT in assisted living is fall detection and prevention. Sensors can be placed around the facility to track residents’ movements and detect if a fall occurs, immediately alerting staff to the incident.  Some advanced systems can even predict the likelihood of a fall based on a resident’s movement patterns, allowing preventative measures to be taken.

Then there’s the role of IoT in creating a comfortable living environment. Smart thermostats can adjust room temperatures based on a resident’s preference, while smart lights can mimic natural daylight patterns to support better sleep. These might seem like small details, but they can significantly enhance the quality of life for residents.

Implementing IoT in your facility requires careful planning and may necessitate partnering with a technology provider specializing in IoT for assisted living. It’s crucial to remember that while implementing such technologies might seem costly initially, the potential for improved resident safety and health, increased efficiency, and enhanced living conditions makes it a worthwhile investment.

Tech Trend #3: Telemedicine in Assisted Living

Telemedicine has proven to be a transformational force in healthcare, and its use in assisted living facilities offers various advantages. Telemedicine is the use of technology to provide healthcare remotely, eliminating the need for actual appointments.

An essential benefit of telemedicine is having quick access to medical professionals. Residents can now consult with healthcare professionals directly from your facility instead of waiting for a doctor’s visit or going to the hospital. Residents needing regular checkups due to chronic diseases will find this helpful. 

Real-time monitoring of resident health data is also possible because of telemedicine. Health data can be communicated to healthcare practitioners using wearable technology or other IoT technologies, enabling continuous monitoring and prompt actions as necessary.

Finally, telemedicine can help people and their families drastically cut healthcare costs by eliminating expensive hospital visits and facilitating early intervention.

It is vital to note that establishing telemedicine in your facility will necessitate careful planning and adherence to healthcare regulations. However, it is a valuable addition to your facility’s technology arsenal due to improved resident care, lower expenses, and more access to healthcare.

Tech Trend #4: Smart Home Technology in Assisted Living

Smart home technology is revolutionizing how we live and has a significant role in the future of assisted living facilities. Imagine a facility where residents can control lighting, temperature, security, and entertainment with simple voice commands or through a user-friendly app. This state-of-the-art technology can define assisted living facilities’ operations and positively change residents’ lives.

Residents can gain unprecedented control over their living environment using smart home technology, increasing independence and comfort. Smart thermostats, for example, may learn about a resident’s preferences and alter the temperature accordingly. In contrast, smart lighting can be designed to mirror natural light patterns, promoting better sleep and well-being.

Smart home technology such as automated door locks, security cameras, and alarm systems can go a long way in ensuring the safety of inhabitants. They can also reduce your staff’s effort by automating basic tasks and alerts.

Furthermore, smart speakers and home assistants (such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home) can assist residents in remaining connected, engaged, and informed. They can play music, read the news, make calls, and even control other smart devices in the room.

Integrating smart home technology in your facility may require an initial investment and some training for staff and residents.  However, the potential to enhance residents’ independence, comfort, and safety makes it a valuable component of a modern assisted living facility. s

Tech Trend #5: Wearable Technology in Assisted Living

When we think of wearable technology, fitness trackers or smartwatches might be the first things that come to mind.  But the application of wearable devices goes far beyond counting steps or tracking sleep – they can be lifesavers in an assisted living environment.

Wearable devices equipped with sensors and connectivity can monitor a wealth of health information. They can track vitals like heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels and even detect falls. Some devices can alert the wearer and the healthcare team if certain parameters exceed a safe range, allowing for immediate response.

One of wearable technology’s most important advantages is its continual health monitoring. In traditional healthcare models, a resident’s condition may only be verified during periodic health checks. Wearable gadgets enable continuous real-time monitoring, resulting in more proactive and personalized treatment.

Furthermore, GPS-enabled wearables can give added security to individuals who are in danger of getting lost or straying owing to illnesses such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. They can also provide residents with a sense of freedom and security by letting them know that help is only a button press away.

While implementing wearable technology in your assisted living facility may present challenges, such as user acceptance and data privacy issues, the potential benefits in terms of improved safety and proactive care make it a worthy investment.


Looking ahead, it’s evident that the use of technology in assisted living will only rise.  We’re approaching a new era of assisted living that’s more personalized, proactive, and resident-centric than ever before. Thanks to advancements in AI, IoT, Telemedicine, Smart Home Technology, and Wearable Devices, more and more assisted living facilities are providing high-quality services to their residents.

However, integrating these technologies can be complicated, necessitating particular knowledge and skills.  This is where Arkenea enters the picture.  Arkenea specializes in custom software development for healthcare and assisted living. With over a decade of industry expertise, we understand technology’s unique challenges and opportunities.

The future of assisted living is here, and with Arkenea as your technology partner, you’ll be well-positioned to embrace it.  The blend of our technology expertise with your passion for providing exceptional care can create a transformative experience for your residents. Let’s create a future where technology empowers your residents to live their best lives every day.