The Step By Step Guide To Building A Healthcare Technology Platform

The healthcare industry has long been facing challenges in regards to healthcare interoperability. The traditional healthcare technology put the healthcare data in silos which resulted ...

15 Promising Telemedicine Specialty Areas for 2021 and Beyond

The virtual healthcare delivery market is rapidly transforming. With the COVID-19 pandemic driving telemedicine mainstream, the number of healthcare professionals leveraging telehealth to provide patient ...

What Resources Are Required To Initiate And Implement Telehealth

As the healthcare paradigm shifts from an outcome based approach towards value based care, the hospitals and healthcare providers need to constantly innovate on the ...

The Key Components of a Best-in-Breed Digital Front Door

The healthcare industry is currently undergoing a transition in which patients are pushing healthcare organizations to provide more patient-centric experiences and services. Patients are used ...

The Complete Guide to Store and Forward Telehealth

Virtual delivery of healthcare services is now an everyday reality in the US. Innovations in telemedicine empower the healthcare providers to improve the quality of ...

What Are The Official Guidelines For Medical Software Development

Medical software is acting as a key differentiator among healthcare organizations. While the adoption rates of medical software such as EMR/EHR have skyrocketed in the ...

7 Important Telemedicine Trends

Telemedicine has finally gone mainstream in the wake of the pandemic. Not only are hospitals and healthcare providers realising the importance of incorporating virtual care ...

Complete Feature Guide To Integrate In Your Doctor Appointment Booking App

With technology seeping into every aspect of lives, the modern day patients expect the experience of having a healthcare checkup seamless as well. The need ...

Best Cities for Healthcare Startups in the US

The HealthTech landscape is currently witnessing an era of tremendous advancements. HealthTech startups in the US are harnessing the power of technologies such as artificial ...

Primary Advantage of In-house Software Development by Healthcare Organizations

The health industry is currently undergoing a massive digital transformation. The healthcare IT market size is expected to reach $390.7 billion by 2024 from $187.6 ...