Product Spotlight : Biovibe (Bioresonance Therapy)
- May 3, 2024
- Posted by: Dr Vinati Kamani
- Category: Healthcare App Development

Jaime Iredale, co-founder and CEO of Biovibe, a 2-way health app that focuses on Bioresonance therapy talks about his journey as a HealthTech Entrepreneur and what he envisions for the future of digital healthcare.
Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine practice that uses electromagnetic waves to diagnose and treat health conditions. It involves measuring the body’s electromagnetic emissions with a device and then exposing it to electromagnetic frequencies to restore balance.
Biovibe applies the use of artificial intelligence, deep machine learning and a patented biometric voice analysis software, offering users discreet and non- invasive insight into their real-time health status in a matter of seconds.
1. What personal or professional experiences influenced creating Biovibe?
I first discovered BioResonance Therapy when I was running a holistic health concierge in the SuperYacht industry from 2018-2020. Covid unfortunately killed that business’s logistical core, however it gave me the opportunity to discover this amazing piece of technology through Clinic La Prairie in Switzerland. A year or so later, I was victim of a home explosion including oil and gas, which left me burning alive in a oil pit in my kitchen until something pulled me up allowing me to run for my pool. This saved me life.
Whilst in the hospital I began working with a BioResonance practitioner here in Thailand, using remote technology. I would send her my voice sample from the hospital bed, she would analyze it and send me back the corresponding frequencies to help my mind and body heal.
I was meant to be in the hospital under critical condition for 3 months. I was out in 5 weeks, back in the same kitchen, cooking on the same open flame. It was at this point that I decided to dedicate my life to the commercialization and global roll out of this discovered technology.
2. Which particular problem(s) are you aiming to solve?
The WHO has stated that by 2030, there is an expected shortfall of 10-18 million healthcare workers expected. Hundreds of millions of people around the world are still pushed into extreme poverty due to the high prices of heath care. The cost in America alone has gone up 4X since the 60’s.
We believe much of the world’s problems stem from centralized health and energy control. By decentralizing first line access to basic health services, all from a users 15 second voice sample, we aim to greatly address these issues. Allowing developing nations to enter the world stage in the very near future, adding value to the entire global trade industry, only benefiting the world at large.
Further, most remedies these days are nothing but bandaids as they never address the root cause of many of our illnesses and diseases. Traditional medicine address the end physical symptoms. Psychology, if done right, helps to address the emotional stimulants leading to the physical issues. However, nothing has addressed the electromagnetic and chemical root cause of the emotional imbalances, which then lead to the life threatening psychical conditions. This is where Biovibe and a wealth of frequency therapeutics emerging in the market, come to save the day.
3. How do you think Biovibe can address this?
Imagine a world where everyone with a mobile device had access to a 2way virtual AI nurse that could detect early signs of illness and disease from a simple voice sample. No more blood or urine samples sent into the lab and waiting for results. Voice analysis is instant. And with AI and machine learning applied, provides more insight than our most trusted medical professionals.
Not only this, but imagine this virtual nurse could also administer clinical remedies towards your basic lifestyle interests, through subtle and non-intrusive acoustic harmonics. Image this being able to undue years of psychosomatic trauma and begin to heal the body from the inside out. Image a world where villagers in Africa could detect Ecoli and receive frequencies to mitigate this infection?
Image a world where this technology has replaces first line clinical centres, and serve as first line health care, to either support users with frequency therapeutics or differ them to a real medical professional for deeper levels of care that our technology detects necessary but not programmed to deliver? Serving as a much need bridge in this broken system.
4. What were the hurdles you faced while bringing Biovibe to life, and how did you overcome them?
Biovibe is a new consumer facing brand for a long time legacy company that has pioneered the voice-driven biofeedback market for the past 10 years. Its founder and developer is the pioneer of this technology and has blended it with bio resonance therapy protocols to make it what it is today.
The past 10 years were done discreetly and without any promotion. Only word of mouth which has no built a user base of 5000 testers and daily users and a healthy annual turnover. With revenue traction, hundreds of user testimonials and the products fully developed, all that is needed is a rebrand for the consumer market and a big campaign.
The only hurdles we have run into so far is in our fundraising efforts as the technology is still fringe. The big investors down in Silicon are all investing into such technologies, but because we are too early and focused on consumer markets, they are not interested.
Incubators and accelerators deem us to be too late for them. In our ongoing fundraising efforts, we mention that we are looking for a high-convictional visionary type investor. Someone who sees that the path to success is not yet clear given the changing health carte environment, yet understand that the future of healthcare will be dominated by AI, digital therapeutics, digital diagnostics and sees that our product and roadmap is well positioned to be a leader in the space in the years to come.
5. What do the next 12-months hold for you?
The next 12 months are about wrapping up our Pre Seed Round and followed by our Seed Round. We also intend to onboard upwards of 100,000 paid users within the new Biovibe ecosystem. These users will begin to interact with the 5000+ practitioner users already involved with the company’s legacy brand over the last 10 years. As the funding comes in, we will also divert a significant amount of capital to clinical research to substantiate the testimonies of our users over the years.
We know our tech works, and works well. We simply don’t know why yet, in a clinical setting. And that is what we are focused on quantifying. A large global PR campaign will be released, which should begin to draw attention from speaking engagements and other platforms to help spread the word about this new world of medical futurism and our product at the forefront of this new emerging space.
6. How do you see digital healthcare evolving?
Digital healthcare is evolving yet it is removing the very nature of care, which is the human component. It is very easy to see that AI will be the new doctor of the future. However we believe a human touch, or a visceral experience will always be required to help the patient holistically.
We believe digital healthcare will be a real-world affair, but only for a few short years. When the meta worlds become viable, this field will transition into the meta worlds. Products leading up to this time will be mostly physical with a meta extension, however, the narrative will quickly flip. Whereby healthcare companies are predominantly meta based, yet still offer auxiliary products and services in the physical world.
With Biovibe already having the world first 2-way SaaS that offers both digital diagnostically capabilities through voice, and digital therapeutical capabilities through sound, light and other wearable biohacking transmissions; we stand to be the only player to enter the meta worlds with a completely digital platform.
Companies like Pfizer and Medicare may be able to build a hospital in the meta world, however their digital experience will end at a counter whereby the operation or pill bottles need to be rendered in the physical world still.
Whereas with our planned Virtual Quantum Hospitals, gamers can walk their avatars into the building, check-in, pay for their treatment, follow another practitioner avatar into a treatment room, jump into the mediapod device, and in parallel to the gamer avatar receiving their health upgrade and gamification tokens, the game in their physical chair, also receives the therapeutics through their headphones and optional wearables promoting Red Light Therapy, PEMF Therapy, etc. Our digital spaces will accommodate other meta healthcare services such as meta therapy applications.
7. What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were starting out as a HealthTech entrepreneur?
Nothing. I never started off in medical school following a set of teaching that I knew to be forged. Therefore I never had to undue programming or swallow the red pill before being able to jump head first into this realm. Even when I first discovered BRT through my SuperYacht health venture, the technology and its basic underlying scientific principals made complete sense to me. If everything in this world is nothing but a frequency, then it would make sense to treat frequency with frequency. This basic understand is what allowed me to become my own scientist towards this brave new world of potential. I guess I have always been a futurist in my mind and soul and this opportunity excited me a lot.
The biggest realization I have discovered since starting this journey in healthcare, is that you cant wave everyone. Most people dont want to be saved. Most people can’t be saved. Most people are not meant to be saved. The same realization a doctor has when he has made an oath to save lives at every cost, and he meets stubborn patients that continue to slowly kill themselves.
Nothing frightens me more than a person unwilling to learn, even if its at their own expense. And this was the most impressive realization that I wish I had known before hand. As I could have saved much time and energy and applied it to where it matters most, much sooner.