There are TWO reasons why you’d want to beta test your healthcare mobile app: one is to test it for bugs and user flow experience and two, to gain early adopters and understand user behavior.

Either way, healthcare mobile app testing helps healthtech entrepreneurs move forward.

And it can certainly put you on the right track, even before you hit the app stores and go public with your launch.

Calendar app Tempo, which gained incredible media attention and consumer traction, tested the ‘hell out of’ their product’ before it launched.

They ran surveys, and interviews with prospective customers and even launched it in Canada under a fake name and a fake landing page to see the click-through rate on different versions of the iOS app store. And they did all this for about 9 months.

The app was recently acquired by Salesforce!

So let’s get to it then – help you find the resources (not mere mobile app testing tools) for healthcare mobile app testing and beyond, for the ability to find the relevant communities is much tougher than integrating the tools.

Healthcare Mobile App Beta Testing Resources

#1 Arkenea

As one of the top healthcare app development companies, Arkenea ensures that all the healthcare mobile apps that get built undergo rigorous alpha and beta testing resulting in an app that provides the best user experience.

With over 13 years of experience in developing and deploying award-winning mhealth apps, acceptance testing performed before the app gets published on the app stores gives the product much-needed user validation.

The first step is to address or build test cases right at the time we receive the SRS document. That gives all the breaking points of the mhealth app. The newly developed mobile app first undergoes alpha testing in a controlled testing environment (developer site). The major bugs, compatibility and usability issues, and feature gaps within the healthcare app are identified and rectified in-house. The commencement of beta testing follows the closure of alpha testing.

Beta testing is a customer validation method that involves pre-launch testing of the mhealth app by end users. User feedback collected on the design, usability, and functionality is used to make the necessary changes within the app before its actual launch.

Utilizing the internal network developed, the product management, quality assurance, and user experience teams are the primary stakeholders of beta testing launched at Arkenea. Using its tried and tested beta testing approach, Arkenea has several success stories in the form of apps like ORLink, Canvasly, and Novo Nordisk which have gone on to raise millions in venture funding, have been featured among the top apps on the app store and have several awards to their name.

Price: Inclusive with healthcare app development

Platforms: Android and iOS

#2 UserTesting

This mobile app testing tool has seen many popular apps in their early avatars and helped them improve their features. Apps such as OpenTable, Flipboard, and Feedly are also a part of this list.

Apart from this, one of the case studies of UserTesting helped Cedar, a healthcare fintech platform, to adopt to new normal post Covid-19 pandemic, and offer with consumer insights, so Cedar can provide flexible payment plans, and keep the communication going with the patients. UserTesting was able to help Cedar understand what their patients are going through the tough pandemic times and work to meet their demands.

A unique feature of this tool is you can get videos of real people speaking their thoughts as they use your mobile app.

Moreover, you can custom-choose your beta testers and can test with people specifying gender, age, device, and operating system. Recruiting by region, demographics, web expertise, and more are also options. You can even specify the device model and operating system with advanced screener questions. A mobile recorder records whatever is displayed on the mobile device, including wireframes, prototypes, and a tester’s thoughts. You will get a video of a user testing your healthcare app in about an hour.

The platform has access to over one million users and presently over 30,000 marketers and UX professionals are using this tool.

Price: Basic plan starts at $49/video

Platforms: Android and iOS

#3 Betalist

This site has a simple purpose – to promote new products that are in its beta stage while providing feedback to the app developers. The platform gives its members early access to more than 100 new online startups every month.

Pinterest was one of the popular products that leveraged the Betalist community for app testing as well as early traction.

There is just one requirement to get started on this platform – your healthcare mobile app should not be live yet, but instead have a ‘coming soon’ homepage where visitors can subscribe to a mailing list.

This platform has an audience of nearly 30,921 early adopters, including startup founders, tech consumers, and investors who test your mobile app and provide valuable feedback.

All you need to do is submit your healthcare app with an appealing screenshot and clear description. Interested people are redirected to the landing page of the app for early signups. This gets you a list of early adopters ready to try your mhealth app.

You need to plan the beta testing for your healthcare mobile app well in advance as it can take several weeks for submissions to get reviewed.

Price: Free. A paid option of $99 is available for those who like to skip the waiting queue to get approved for user testing.

Platforms: Android and iOS

#4 PreApps

Healthcare app developers can share their app and recruit beta testers before they launch their app to the iOS App Store, Google Play, or the Windows App Store.

Each posted healthcare app gets its page with a description, pricing, expiration (or release) date, screenshots, social sharing, videos, comments, and suggestions. In return, PreApps encourages users to engage with your app by offering them points that can be collected and turned into gift cards.

Healthcare app developers can even add polls and surveys to get the answers they need to fine-tune their app before launch.

The PreApps created 300 percent increase in the downloads in 3 days for a gaming app called Joyful Animals for Kids.

Price: Service starts at $20k/month

Platforms: iOS, Android, and Windows

#5 Reddit

There are several sub-Reddit communities where healthcare app developers can submit screenshots of their apps and get feedback from the Reddit community. This can also drive early interest in your app.

You can simply write a post requesting beta testers on relevant forums for their feedback based on mobile testing.

Some suggestions for relevant sub-Reddit communities are Betatests, Alpha and beta Users, and Android Apps.

Here’s an example of a healthcare app on Reddit.

Price: Free

Platforms: iOS, Android, and Windows

#6 HockeyApp

HockeyApp which is owned by Microsoft allows developers to distribute beta versions of their apps to collect live crash reports, get feedback from users, recruit new testers, and analyze test coverage.

The beta version of your healthcare app can be installed by testers through HockeyApp’s mobile website or client app. As an admin, you will have control over which users can see and install your app.

The tool lets you build a recruitment page for inviting new healthcare mobile testing professionals.

The beta testers can create support requests, file bugs, or post ideas from within your mhealth app. You can communicate with the testers through HockeyApp’s web interface or via email.

By integrating HockeyApp’s SDK into your app, you will get advanced metrics about the app testing done, such as, which devices were tested, which testers used the app for how long, and in which language it was tested.

Price: 1-month free mobile app testing trial followed by plans starting at $10/month

Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Mac OS

If you’re looking for beta testing your healthcare mobile app, then just get in touch with Arkenea, a leading healthcare software development company in the USA. We got you covered. Check our website for more additional resources.