10 Free Newsletters For Smart Entrepreneurs
- December 8, 2015
- Posted by: Nidhi Shah
- Category: Healthcare App Development

As an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur we try and consume maximum amount of good and actionable content. In this process, we subscribe to tons of newsletters, assuming we would read them (which never happens).
So, we have cut down your work and saved you some time by subscribing and filtering some of the best startup newsletters. Go through the details of these newsletters and choose for yourself.
We have got you 10 inbox-worthy newsletter subscriptions that will make you a smarter entrepreneur. Start right here:
#1 The Hustle
The Hustle is an email newsletter for savvy forward thinkers interested in business, design, and tech. The newsletter find, explore, and uncover original content on stories that inspire.
Frequency: Biweekly
#2 Next Draft
As an entrepreneur you need to stay updated. Here’s a newsletter which comprises the day’s most fascinating news stories in a quick and entertaining manner.
Dave Pell, the curator of the newsletter, says, “Each morning I visit about 75 news sites, and from that swirling nightmare of information quicksand, I pluck the top ten most fascinating items of the day, which I deliver with a fast, pithy wit that will make your computer device vibrate with delight. No bots. No computer algorithms.”
Frequency: Daily
#3 Saas Weekly by Hiten Shah
A weekly email of useful links for people interested in SaaS businesses.
Frequency: Weekly
#4 Startup Digest
The personalized insider newsletter for all things startup in your area or locations you’re interested in. Their tailored reading lists will keep you connected to topics of your choice.
Frequency: Daily
#5 Hacker Newsletter
A weekly newsletter of the best articles on startups, technology, programming, and more. All links are curated by hand from the popular Hacker News site.
Frequency: Weekly
#6 Product Psychology
A newsletter which gives you free lessons on User Behavior, hand picked by an expert instructor straight to your inbox each week. Some of the brightest minds in the field share their best resources on user behavior, including Ryan Hoover, Nir Eyal, Greg Ciotti and others.
Frequency: Weekly
#7 Dispatch by Baremetrics
A publication curated weekly by dozens of startups which will provide tips, insights and resources for everything you need to run your business well.
Frequency: Weekly
#8 Foundcy
Your daily fix of the best posts read by founders. Discover what inspires and teaches them everyday.
Frequency: Daily
#9 Requests for Startups
Requests for Startups (RFS) is a hand-curated newsletter, inspired by YC. A weekly newsletter of ideas that investors, companies, and influencers would like to fund.
Frequency: Weekly
#10 Foundora
The daily human-curated reading list that helps you save time learning from start-up founders, VCs, experts and mentors. Get the 5 must-read startup posts in your inbox everyday, learnings from startup founders, VCs and mentors.
Frequency: Daily
While you’re in the spirit of signing up for great newsletters, we think you will like our newsletter too for Arkenea’s Fuel For Startups newsletter.
We publish short and easily consumable video interviews with leading experts, where they answer some of the most pressing questions entrepreneurs have while developing software or marketing their startups.